Typhoon relief
The most recent big event here in the Philippines was the devastating Typhoon last November. In the aftermath of the typhoon, we in NTM were able to re-direct many of our operations, things I talked about in detail in our last update. I just want to share a quick story with you all from one of our missionaries on the ground in one of the devastated areas on how your generosity to them is enabling them to help people get back on their feet. This report was given about the middle of last February:
“Look what God has done! Today we distributed relief goods to the inhabitants of one "barangay" here on Ag. It was quite the event with people getting dressed in their good clothes to come and collect their goods. People were smiling and thankful. It was such a joy to be able to help like this. People thanked us over and over for the help. Thanks go first and foremost to God (as we told the people repeatedly) and also to all of you who contributed to typhoon Yolanda [Haiyan] relief....We are tired and sunburned, but so thankful! God is good.”
You can see in the accompanying pictures some of the relief operations. The Lord also used this time to work in the hearts and minds of the local people who had been resistant to becoming friends with the missionaries. During the time of the Spaniards 400 years ago, these people were continually devastated by Moro raiders – slave trading ships that would come and kidnap them, in particular their women, to take back as wives to the islands south of the Philippines. When the Spanish arrived, their warships fought off the Moro raiders, and so the people respected that and became stalwart Catholics, retaining their animism under the surface. Over the years much of this has morphed into folk-religion. These people have been resistant to missionary activity for over one hundred years now, not wanting to give an opportunity for anyone to share Christ with them. However, in the aftermath of the Typhoon, now it is the NTM missionaries who have been helping them, and 2 of the islands that were most resistant to the arrival of the missionaries are now asking if they can come and share their message and tell them why they wanted to help. So we see God at work all the time!
Faith Academy
Ginny and her team manage about 30 students enrolled in special education services at Faith Academy. She is also teaching 3 different classes – History, Pre-Algebra, and English. Being part of the special education department, she fills a huge need for the missionary kids going to school there. Ginny was also sponsored to attend a teacher's workshop in Thailand at the end of February, and was there during all the protests! However, they were in a very secure location, and so were not affected by all the activity that was seen on CNN. Also, Sarah recently went to Hong Kong on a choir trip, and was able to see another part of Asia. We are very thankful that God is allowing us to be part of all that he is doing here in Asia and in the Philippines! Many of these missionary kids will grow up to become missionaries themselves, and so continue the work that God is doing all over the world!
Here is Ginny in Thailand with the group of MK teachers.
MK boys from Faith Academy on their way to camping
at Corregidor. Yes, they brought a rabbit with them.
Sarah and the high school choir performed in Hong Kong.
Many of you have been praying for me, in particular my health. We have some answers, though not all. I won't go into details on this, but suffice it to say that I learned that I have several inter-related stress-induced sicknesses that have affected my digestive, adrenal, and thyroid systems, and these are all affecting each other. We are hoping to get some more answers the year that we are back in Texas on home assignment, so we appreciate your continued prayers on this. I have been feeling a little better, with a little more energy (which is a fundamental part of doing my job), so please keep up the prayers as we work toward full health!
Language study programs
As of right now, we have 16 missionaries in the field in a full time language program, and about 4 working on language part time. We have at least 5 new missionaries coming to the field towards the end of this year that will be in language study in Tagalog, and possibly a few more that will be working on Visayan. We have a bit of a new direction, with our work now geared toward a long term vision of working in partnership with Filipino missionaries and churches in the areas we are branching out. We are also becoming more involved in helping Filipino missionaries that want to go outside their own country, to places overseas.
Here we are working with a new missionary to the
Tagalog language program.
At a Baybayin seminar, where the original written script
of the Philippines is being promoted.
We visited some of the Filipino missionary trainees
at their training center in Bataan.
We met with some of the Filipinos working with
indigenous people groups in the area.
From typhoon relief to language study, we are here in the Philippines to bring the Gospel to those who have not heard, to bring glory to God, and to serve Him with our lives. You all are a part of that service, and we are very thankful for all that you all have done to keep us here with your faithful prayers and support.
One final note
I want to make one last appeal before I close this update. We have had a number of regular supporters drop support for our ministry over the last year, and this is happening right as our expenses are about to get much bigger with us coming home on a 1 year home assignment to live in the USA, which is far more expensive than the Philippines, in addition to now having 2 kids in college. So we ask for your prayerful consideration in these things, and please contact us by email or facebook if you would like to know more.
In Christ for us all,